Project structure
– Sea2Land –
SEA2LAND will be implemented through seven interrelated Work Packages and two horizontal Work Packages over a period of 48 months.
Work Packages
Work Package 2
Mapping of European nutrients imbalance
WP2 includes the necessary tasks leading to analysis of the requirements of the different stakeholders involved in the fertilisers production from fisheries and aquaculture by-products value-chain through a multi-actor approach along with the six European pilot areas, identification of the areas with excesses or deficits of nutrients, and quantify these nutrient imbalances, analysis of other side-streams and finding synergies with other ongoing EU projects and initiatives.
Work Package 3 & 4
Recovery nutrients of fish industry and aquaculture industry
WP3 and WP4 implement and optimise technologies to recover nutrients from fishery and aquaculture industry by-products. The work serves to the production of several bio-based fertilisers based on local raw material coming from the aquaculture industry and designed to meet local agricultural needs.
Work Package 5
Agronomic studies
WP5 focuses on the evaluation of bio-based fertiliser’s performance, through the study of nutrient mineralisation rates, pH-changes and greenhouse gas emissions in incubation experiments, evaluation of nutrient uptake of N and P in greenhouse experiments and in situ validation of the agronomic and environmental performance of bio-based fertilisers under contrasting environmental conditions across Europe.
Work Package 6
Quality assessment
WP6 assures that the obtained fertilisers accomplish legislation and do not have any harmful effect on human health, soil health, biodiversity, and microflora.
Work Package 7
Sustainability assessment
WP7 provides a thorough analysis of the sustainability of fishery-based agronomic interventions with suitability assessment of upscaling production (Life-Cycle Analysis, Life-Cycle Cost Analysis, Social Life-Cycle Analysis).
Work Package 8
Business models, exploitation & replicability
WP8 leads to the exploitation of the scientific and commercial results of SEA2LAND. This WP develops Business models and Plans for 1 end-product by pilot area (those 6 end products will have different purposes, fertiliser for local use, high value crops, and technological services/equipment).
Horizontal Work Packages
Work Package 1
Project Management & Coordination
WP1 ensures sound administrative, financial, and risk management of the project.
Work Package 9
Dissemination & Communication
WP9 Dissemination & Communication carries out dissemination activities of the project and its results.