Our partner Jan Landert (Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL) presented SEA2LAND in a parallel session at the first White Ammonia and N-recovery Research Meeting (WARM) in Brussels and hybrid, 7th June 2023. The session was called “N recovery from urine, manure, aquaculture” and the presentation from Landert was “Life cycle assessment of bio-based fertilizers from fisheries and aquaculture sidestreams”.
The programme of the research meeting is available here.
Presentation details:
Title: Life cycle assessment of bio-based fertilizers from fisheries and aquaculture sidestreams
Outline: In the H2020 project Sea2Land, different technologies are piloted in 6 case studies to convert waste streams from fisheries and aquaculture into bio-based fertilizers (BBF). To optimize processes and assess the environmental performance of BBF, a cradle-to-farm gate, prospective LCA is being conducted in two steps (production and application of BBF). We will present the general approach and provide first insights on process contribution to environmental impacts resulting from BBF pilot production.
What is “White Ammonia”?
Nitrogen recycling is not only ammonia recovery. Reactive nitrogen can be recovered from wastes and secondary materials in many forms, or stabilised as a useable product, rather than being “lost” back to the air as N2. Nitrogen can be recovered or stabilised as organic nitrogen, urea, ammonia salts, etc., from liquid streams (e.g. waste waters, digestates, where it is present as nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, organic nitrogen) or by scrubbing ammonia or NOx from combustion offgas and other gas streams, …
ESPP uses the term “White Ammonia”, as proposed by INMS (see SCOPE Newsletter n°145), to dialogue with initiatives on “blue ammonia” (low carbon ammonia, that is “brown” Haber-Bosch ammonia with carbon capture and storage) and on “green ammonia” (zero carbon ammonia produced using hydrogen from renewable electricity).
WARM (White Ammonia and N-recovery Research Meeting) will cover all routes for nitrogen recovery and recycling, including both mineral and organic nitrogen recycling routes, for local agricultural application, for processing into mineral or organic fertiliser, or for industrial uses.