The 8th Consortium Meeting of the SEA2LAND project was held in Ås, Norway. More than 40 participants, representing research organisations from by-products, valorisation, technologies and agronomy; industry from fish/aquaculture sectors, fertiliser sector, and technology sector met during the 11th and 12th of June 2024 at NIBIO’s (Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research) facilities.
During the two-day meeting, partners had the chance to visit an NMBU centre (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) where they research aquaculture. The facility uses recirculated freshwater (RAS), has fish tanks or feeding experiments and laboratories for studies of fish behaviour, eggs and fry, water chemistry and dissection. After that, they also visited a plant producing biogas from fish sludge. To finish the trip, the SEA2LAND partner Grønn Gjødsel, a producer of organic fertilisers, opened its doors and organized a visit to its company.
SEA2LAND aims to provide solutions to help overcome challenges related to food production, climate change and waste reuse. Based on the circular economy model, the EU-funded SEA2LAND project promotes the production of large-scale fertilisers in the EU from its own raw materials. This solution is expected to reduce the soil nutrient imbalance in Europe. The project started in January 2021. Now, after almost 4 years of activities, it is time to share the results, which are linked to the methodologies put in place in the different pilots.