The main result obtained is a geographical representation, at NUTS 3 level, of the amounts of nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) surpluses or deficiencies in European soils. The map has been based on European and national statistics, taking into account the distribution of crops and their nutritional needs, as well as the organic fertilisers produced in each area. With this information, a nutrient balance has been carried out to obtain the deficit and surplus areas. In the same map, the main secondary flows of the European fisheries and aquaculture industries have been included in order to consider the areas where the secondary flows of these fisheries and aquaculture industries could be an important source of nutrients.
The results could help policy makers, fertiliser companies and other stakeholders to manage the differences between the different areas by optimising overall nutrient management, reducing nutrient losses and improving nutrient efficiency. Fertiliser companies, on the other hand, will be able to target specific areas for marketing and design fertilisers more appropriately and accurately.
Fig. 1: Total kg P/ha (own elaboration)
Fig. 2: Distribution of canned tuna production in Europe (STECF, 2013-2014)
Futher information:
Gilbert M., G. Nicolas, G. Cinardi, S. Vanwambeke, T. P. Van Boeckel, G. R. W. Wint, T. P. Robinson. 2018.
Global distribution data for cattle, buffaloes, horses, sheep, goats, pigs, chickens and ducks in 2010.
Nature Scientific data, 5:180227. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2018.227
Authors: Ainara Artetxe, Miriam Pinto/NEIKER, Carlos Bald/AZTI
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