From left: Karoline Fjeldstad (Mayor of Rakkestad), Geir Pollestad (Minister of Agriculture and Food), Lars Riiser Evju (founder and CEO of Green Fertilizer), Janet Narvestad Evju (founder and responsible for production in Green Fertilizer) and Anders Trømborg (Marketing Manager at Yara Norway).

On August 9th, Sea2Land partner Grønn Gjødsel received a visit from Geir Pollestad, Norway’s Minister of Agriculture and Food, at their plant in Østfold, Norway. During the visit, they toured the facility where Grønn Gjødsel produces both organic and organic-mineral mixed fertilizers.

Grønn Gjødsel representative demonstrating organic fertilizer pellets to visitors during a tour of the Østfold production plantThe discussions covered various topics, including the use of fish sludge from smolt production as a base for fertilizers and its potential application in organic farming. Grønn Gjødsel is a private SME specializing in the production of pelleted organic fertilizers.

As one of the 27 partners in the Sea2Land project, Grønn Gjødsel contributes its expertise in pelleting fish sludge for use as fertilizer, as well as in the testing of fertilizer application systems and their effectiveness in field trials.

More information (In Norwegian)