Baltic pilot presentation

Baltic pilot presentation

Baltic Sea pilot develops bokashi fermentation technology, which is currently available for home users, into a community-scale biowaste recycling solution. It also combines this...

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Nutrient recovery and recycling from fishery waste and by-products

Nutrient recovery and recycling from fishery waste and by-products

The circular bio-based economy offers great untapped potential for the food industry as possible valuable products and energy can be recovered from food waste. This can promote more sustainable and resilient food systems in Europe in follow-up of the European Commission’s Farm to Fork strategy and support the global transition to more sustainable agri-food systems with the common agricultural and fisheries policies.

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Phosphorous imbalance in Europe

Phosphorous imbalance in Europe

Using the geographical viewer developed in SEA2LAND, maps of the P requirements of the most common crops across Europe in Nut 3 and of the potential P inputs (from local organic...

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SEA2LAND present at WEFTA 2023

SEA2LAND present at WEFTA 2023

Our partner Carlos Bald from AZTI presented SEA2LAND at the 51st Western European Fish Technologists Association (WEFTA) Conference, which took place in Copenhagen from 16th to...

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Baltic pilot presentation

Baltic pilot presentation

Baltic Sea pilot develops bokashi fermentation technology, which is currently available for home users, into a community-scale biowaste recycling solution. It also combines this...

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Nutrient recovery and recycling from fishery waste and by-products

Nutrient recovery and recycling from fishery waste and by-products

The circular bio-based economy offers great untapped potential for the food industry as possible valuable products and energy can be recovered from food waste. This can promote more sustainable and resilient food systems in Europe in follow-up of the European Commission’s Farm to Fork strategy and support the global transition to more sustainable agri-food systems with the common agricultural and fisheries policies.

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